
Friday, 28 November 2008

The Extreme Island of Sulawesi Has A Message For You


reliable service in organizing your Geotours in Central Sulawesi


Sulawesi In A Brief

Geologically, Sulawesi Island and its surrounding area is a complex region. The complexity was caused by convergence between three lithospheric plates: the northward-moving Australian plate, the westward-moving Pacific plate, and the south-southeast-moving Eurasia plate. Regional structures, which affects the island of Sulawesi and the surrounding area, are shown in Figure 8.1. The Makassar Strait, which separates the Sunda Platform (part of the Eurasia Plate) from the South Arm and Central Sulawesi, formed by sea-floor spreading originating in the Miocene (Hamilton, 1979, 1989; Katili, 1978, 1989). North of the island is the North Sulawesi Trench formed by the subduction of oceanic crust from the Sulawesi Sea. To the southeast convergence has occurred between the Southeast Arm and the northern part of the Banda Sea along the Tolo Thrust (Silver et al., 1983a, b). Both major structures (the North Sulawesi Trench and Tolo Thrust) are linked by the Palu-Koro-Matano Fault system. Based on lithologic association and tectonic development, Sulawesi and its surrounding islands are divided into 3 geological provinces (Fig. 8.2): (1) the Western Sulawesi Volcanic Arc; (2) the Eastern Sulawesi Ophiolite Belt and its associated pelagic sedimentary covers; and (3) continental fragments derived from the Australian continent (Hamilton, 1978, 1979; Sukamto and Simandjuntak, 1983; Metcalfe, 1988, 1990; Audley-Charles and Harris, 1990; Audley-Charles, 1991; Davidson, 1991). The contacts between those provinces are faults.

Why To Choose Sulawesi?

One of the Geologist (Mr DR.Ir.Prasetyadi,M.Sc) of Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta said that Sulawesi is the Extreme Island, the extreme could be feel as a miracle when you are in the area of Sulawesi especially in Banggai Regency, as shown on the pictures below.

Sulawesi island, located at the junction of the Asian, Australian and Pacific plates, is geologically important for unraveling the Cenozoic tectonics of South-East Asia. This island, situated on the active margin of the Asian plate suffered at least four major tectonic events in Mid-Cretaceous, Oligo-Miocene, Middle Miocene, and Early Pliocene times. The present paper is focused on the Oligo-Miocene event, which formed the main orogenic belt of this island. Several geodynamic models have been proposed for this belt. Our structural and stratigraphic investigations in the central area of Sulawesi lead us to favor an eastward obduction of an ophiolitic nappe of Asian origin onto a continental Gondwana Block, while a west-dipping slab was subducting underneath the western Asiatic margin. Collision between this fragment of Gondwana and the active Asiatic margin in Late Oligocene or Early Miocene time produced the central metamorphic belt of Sulawesi.

Excursion Of Banggai Tertiary – Pre Tertiary Basin
Dec 09 - 12, 2008
Please Click Here
Please Find The Videos Comments in English Of
DR. T. O. Simandjuntak (Principal Researcher of Department Of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia) and DR.Ir. C. Prasetyadi, M.Sc (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta)

Who Is Your Tour Leader ?
Your Leader is:
Mr Darwin Sumang and Mr Nicky P. Sidauruk

Who Is Your Instucture?
Your istructures are:
1. Mr DR Thohab Simanjuntak
2. Mr DR. Hendaryono
3. Mr DR. Ir. C. Prasetyadi, M.Sc
They will lead you by clear information about geology in general.

To Whom This Tour For?
Basically This Tour could be experiences by all people if they want but if you are the student who being studying about geology is much more better for overseas experience.

How Can You Join This Tour?
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The Owner of this site would like to extend the Special thanks to Mr DR. Ir. C. Prasetyadi, M.Sc for his PRESENT the Geology Literature Book:
Tittle : " Earth: Then And Now"
Written By : Carla W. Montgomery/David Dathe
ISBN : 0-697-11519-4
Copyright @ 1991 by Wm C. Brown Publishers
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number : 90-81807
Printed in the United States Of America
2460 Kerper Boulevard, Dubuque, IA 52001
Pages : 620

These Pictures were taken during the surveying to Luwuk and surrounding, hope you could enjoy and might be will take a part to experinces the miracle of the world by the Rock Talk with us.

How the Rock can say somethings?

Please open these videos

Thanks for your visiting this site !

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